In Painting 12, the Gemini-B/MOL vehicle, now in orbit, separates from its expended upper stage over a fourth variation on the generic Earth-sky background.
Gemini 7 as seen from Gemini 6. Note gold mylar thermal blanket over aft end of spacecraft. (Photo credit: NASA.)
This is one of only two paintings in this collection that even approaches disclosing the nature of the KH-10 DORIAN payload in the aft end of the MOL. In this case, it is represented as a dark, empty space. While not an inappropriate depiction of a secret reconnaissance system, in reality this would probably have been covered by a gold-colored mylar thermal insulation blanket, as was typically seen on Gemini spacecraft (see image at right).
This painting came with an acetate sheet, an onion skin sheet and a cover sheet; none of them contained annotations.