In Painting 47A, their mission nearly over, the pilots settle toward splashdown under a billowing parachute.
Jacobe depicted the Gemini-B capsule with its red nose still intact, when it would have been ejected at 10,000 feet for the parachute to deploy. He painted the entire nose section red, not just the jettisonable portion as before (as in Painting 46).
He also misrepresented the length and angle of the bridle between the nose and the blunt end of the capsule, to which the parachute risers attached (compare painting with photograph of Gemini 9 under its parachute, below right).
A reviewer's hand-drawn sketch documented the oversights on the onion skin sheet (left below). It speaks to the compartmentalization between the Douglas side of the company, where Jacobe worked, and the McDonnell side, which built Gemini, that even after two years of manned Gemini flights, with regular press photos such as the June 1966 recovery of Gemini 9 (right below) these basic aspects were not recognized.
Gemini 9 nearing splashdown on June 6, 1966. Note the truncated nose and the high attach point of the parachute risers to the nearly-invisible bridle. (NASA Photo s66-34115.)