Who are these missing people?
These people may have been connected with Jacobe during the time he was working on these MOL paintings. Any information on who they were and the role any of them played will be appreciated.
Vern Haines, who was mentioned twice, on cover sheets of Paintings 11 and 40, and possibly a third time as "Vern" on 47B.
Bob Bonning (sp?), who removed three paintings for the exhibition in August 1969, and returned only two.
Frank McGuire x2495, listed as a contact on Painting 38, and presumably the "Frank" from whom Bob Bonning borrowed the paintings in 1969.
From Painting 38--unclear if this is his signature and extension or if it is direction from someone else to contact him.
Bill Carson, graphics, who was mentioned on the cover sheet of Painting 7A.
"RAC" (no full name), who provided revisions on Painting 32.
Walter, who was also mentioned in the portfolio.
Robert Poe, the McDonnell Douglas engineer who may have rescued the paintings from disposal and destruction and whose estate kept them until I bought them.